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» » » Popular jewelry startup AUrate used its customers' feedback to create a stunning new collection - here's your first look

AUrateAUrate, a popular fine-jewelry startup, leveraged its direct-to-consumer model to make what it's calling a "Crowdsource Capsule."The Crowdsource Capsule features eight jewelry pieces under $1,000 that were designed using customer feedback, online and in-store shopping data, and insights from multiple focus groups.You can shop the eight pieces included in the Crowdsource Capsule below, ranging from $100 bezel rings with your birthstone to $760 for a single Diamond Quadricolor Hoop.An oft-championed aspect of direct-to-consumer startups is their ability to create tailored products. Without the bulky machinery of a bloated chain of command, lean teams can gather and interpret data from customers and then translate it into one-on-one conversations and feedback-driven products in real time.

from Business Insider India

رائے غلام عباس کھرل Right Report

رائے غلام عباس کھرل کاشتکار گھرانے سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں۔ گزشتہ 15 سال سے صحافت سے وابستہ ہیں اور کسووال پریس کلب رجسٹرڈ کے جنرل سیکریٹری ہیں۔
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